Level One Training
Performance evaluation and staff appraisal
Course overview:
Appraisal systems are used for many different reasons but usually will benefit an organization through the employee’s clearer view of its direction and the part they have to play in that. Appraisal scheme should be framed within a learning and supportive environment, and used as an empowering tool that contributes to positive working conditions in which the work of staff is valued. The Line Management process, (an individual centered activity reporting personal needs and dilemmas, and offering opportunities for discussion of day-to-day work issues), will form part of the Appraisal Scheme. The exercise should be seen in the context of personal development and strategic planning as well as the setting and achievement of targets and objectives for the organization. The real objective of any performance management system is to make sure that the organization’s strategic plan; vision, mission and values are communicated and achieved. Core competencies expected of all organization members should be included, described and assessed. The mission statement should be clearly visible in the performance appraisal system of an organization. Values become real only when people are held accountable for living up to them.
Major topics to be covered include:
- Who should be evaluated?
- Framing the evaluation criteria in performance appraisal
- What criteria and format should be used to evaluate staff performance?
- When and where should a performance evaluation be undertaken?
- Maintaining a record of performance through critical incident reports
- Using performance feedback and development of coaching and employee performance improvement plan,
- Developing an evaluation format and rating
- Training and orientation for appraisers
- Making use of the results of performance appraisal
- Revising the appraisal format as necessary
- Using feedback in a constructive manner
- Rewarding good performance and motivating staff
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Make an effective use of appraisals for improving organization’s performance and help to assess how well employees are working.
- Review the accuracy and validity of job descriptions and if necessary, amend it.
- Assess how well the staff has understood their job descriptions and to undertake remedial actions if necessary.
- Evaluate the efficacy of communication between the staff and line managers, the efficacy of support from the organization
- Identify the aspirations that the staff has for their post, within the organization or personally and where possible recognize them within a plan of action.
- Agree targets and timetable for achievement and review